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Ali Sarami


Cerebral or Intracranial Aneurysm is defined as pathological local ballooning
out or dilation of brain arteries that results from a weakening of the inner
muscular layer of a blood vessel wall. Cerebral aneurysms are associated
with high prevalence, morbidity and mortality rates since they may rupture
and cause intracranial hemorrhage. In endovascular treatment of intracranial
aneurysms, which is the most attractive treatment option, the goal is to
prevent blood flow entering the aneurysm and remove it from the vascular
circuit by thromboembolization. Flow-diverting stents, as the most recent endovascular
devices, promote the thrombosis of aneurysm by reconstruction of parent artery so as to deviate
blood flow away from the aneurysm. Despite the promising results of aneurysm treatment via
flow-diverting stents, delayed post-treatment ruptures have been reported while the rupture
mechanisms are far from fully understood. Cerebral aneurysm rupture mechanisms have been
the title of some numerical researches in the recent two years and raised a critical challenge
between engineers and clinical doctors. In this study, we have focused our attention on
investigating the CFD results sensitivity to different boundary conditions and geometry
descriptions to contribute the final goal of elucidating the mechanisms responsible for posttreatment
aneurysm rupture. Moreover, since the wall shear stress (WSS) and pressure
distributions are the most important hemodynamic parameters to explain the rupture of
aneurysms, we proposed a Pressure Mapping over the region of interest using the Phase
Contrast Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI). This is also to be noted that, to provide the
patient-specific geometries and MR based measurements, and also to discuss our results in an
engineering/clinical environment, we collaborate with the Imam Khomeini Hospital, Advanced
Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology Research Center affiliated to the Tehran University.

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